

2025-26 Elementary IntraDistrict Transfer Requests (Within VUSD)

For students who will begin the 2025-26 school year as incoming Kindergarten-6th graders. 

Transfers are reviewed following District practices and priorities. Due to limited space in many of our schools, priority is given to resident students first, followed by transfers as space permits.  Space includes both current and expected needs.

Transfer decisions for requests received by March 14th, 2025 will be communicated via email no later than end of day April 11th, 2025. Transfer requests will continue to be accepted and reviewed throughout the school year.

Note: Transfers are not applicable for incoming Transitional Kindergarten (T-K) students.

Elementary IntraDistrict Transfer Agreements are available for the the 2025-2026 school year in English and Spanish and applicable to students currently enrolled in a school in VUSD, requesting a transfer from one school to another within VUSD.

Elementary students must be enrolled in a Vacaville Unified School to request an IntraDistrict Transfer Agreement.  If your student is NOT currently enrolled in VUSD, you must complete the enrollment process  at your school of residence prior to your transfer being considered. Transfers are not applicable for incoming Transitional Kindergarten (T-K) students.

View the IntraDistrict Transfer Agreement Practices and Priorities. You will be required to acknowledge your understanding of these practices and priorities prior to submitting a transfer request. Transfer status will not be available prior to the official notification.  

The following information is applicable to all students requesting an IntraDistrict Transfer Agreement.  Please read carefully prior to submitting transfer request(s) for the appropriate grade level(s). 

Transfers are granted based on the following factors:

  • Space availability in the school and/or program requested.  Available space is determined considering both current and projected space needs.
  • Students in good standing Re: attendance and discipline history.

Steps for completion of IntraDistrict Transfers Agreement for Elementary Students:

  1. The completed IntraDistrict Agreement needs to submitted to the school of residence FIRST for approval.  Parents are still required to enroll in the school of residence before the IntraDistrict Agreement is approved.
  2. Once the Agreement is signed, it will be forwarded by the school of residence to the requested school for the schools approval or denial.
  3. If space is available, as verified by the requested school, and the decision is to approve the request, the requested school will notify the home school and the parent(s)/legal guardian(s).
  4. If the decision is to disapprove the request, the requested school will notify the home school and the parent(s)/legal guardian(s).
  5. If the transfer is requested to occur during the current school year, the requested school will notify the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) within five school days after the request is received.                                        

A student on an IntraDistrict Transfer Agreement DOES NOT have to renew their agreement every year.  A student who has been granted an IntraDistrict transfer shall remain as a resident of the requested school, unless space is not available, and/or the student’s attendance and or discipline is not acceptable. Parents will be contacted about possible revocation for the following school year in the spring.

Upon advancing to the middle or high school, IntraDistrict transfer students will be enrolled at the middle or high school based on their school of attendance for the current school year. Revocation of an IntraDistrict transfer may occur if requested by the parent and space is available at their requested school.

IntraDistrict Transfer Agreements for students receiving special education shall not be approved until the Special Education Department verifies space availability within the requested program.

Students determined to have enrolled in a school by falsifying IntraDistrict information, including student or residency records, shall be returned to their home school immediately, even if they otherwise meet priority status.

There is no appeal for an IntraDistrict Transfer denial, but you may request a meeting with the site administrator.

School personnel may initiate IntraDistrict transfers on the basis of student housing needs and/or student behavior invalidating transfer or administrative placement.

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