California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Notice of Availability and Public Hearing - WCW Stadium Project Environmental Impact Report

The Vacaville Unified School District has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed upgrade to the existing track and field complex with a new multipurpose stadium and track complex at the Will C. Wood High School campus. This notice summarizes the project and its location, the starting and ending dates for the review period, the date, time, and location of a public hearing, a list of significant environmental impacts identified in the Draft EIR, and the address where copies of the Draft EIR will be available for public review.

A 45-day public review period will extend from March 28 to May 11, 2016. The Draft EIR and reference documents will be available for public review online at: and at the following locations in Vacaville:

Vacaville Unified School District, 401 Nut Tree Road
Will C. Wood High School Library, 998 Marshall Road
Vacaville Public Library, 1020 Ulatis Drive

The following link will provide further details:

WCW EIR NOA GHD signed.pdf

Will C Wood Stadium Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that discretionary decisions by public agencies be subject to environmental review. The purpose of an environmental impact report (EIR) is to identify the significant effects of the project on the environment, to identify alternatives to the project, and to indicate the manner in which those significant effects can be mitigated or avoided (Section 21002.1[a]).

Each public agency is required to mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment of projects it approves or carries out whenever it is feasible. This Draft EIR has been prepared by the Vacaville Unified School District (District) as the Lead Agency for the Will C. Wood High School Stadium Project (project) pursuant to the CEQA Statute (California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and the CEQA Guidelines (California Administrative Code Section 15000 et seq.). Environmental effects of the project that must be addressed include the significant effects of the project, growth-inducing effects of the project, and significant cumulative effects of past, present, and reasonably anticipated future projects. This EIR is a project EIR. A Preferred Project, a 4,000-seat high school track and field complex (i.e., stadium) is evaluated in detail in this EIR in Chapters 3.0 and 4.0. Other alternatives included in the EIR, such as the No Project and Reduced Capacity alternatives, are evaluated at a lower level of detail in Chapter 6.

Will C. Wood Stadium Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Will C. Wood Draft EIR Final.pdf

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

The California Environmental Quality Act is California's most important environmental law. It requires state, local and other agencies subject to the jurisdiction of California to evaluate the environmental implications of their actions. Furthermore, it aims to prevent environmental effects of the agency actions by requiring agencies to avoid or reduce, when feasible, the significant environmental impacts of their decisions.

- CEQA Desktop 1999 Second Edition

On this page the District will provide the CEQA information for all projects. Some projects will require more information that others.

CEQA Documents

Will C. Wood Stadium Project

Will C Wood Wildcat Stadium - Scoping Meeting - Final.pdf

WCW Stadium EIR Scoping Memo.pdf

Will C. Wood Draft EIR Final.pdf

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